Safety and Security » Emergency Operations

Emergency Operations

Emergency Plan

An Emergency Operations Plan, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania and Butler County Emergency Management Agencies, has been developed and is regularly updated by the school district in the event of a wide array of potential hazards.  Proper training is provided to all staff on an annual basis, and training is provided to students in the form of drills throughout the school year.  This training and preparation of the school population provides for an efficient and safe evacuation procedure in the event of an emergency.

Parents are urged NOT to call the schools during an emergency.  All phone lines need to be open for emergency communication.  A notification service will be used to communicate with parents in the event of an emergency.  Additionally, parents can view the Knoch School District website's main page, Facebook page, or listen to the media outlets listed on the School Delays/Cancellation page of the District website for the most up-to-date information in the event of an emergency.