Our District » Wellness Committee

Wellness Committee

Wellness Committee
The Wellness Committee meets once each semester.
Per this policy, the Superintendent provides an annual report to the School Board on compliance at each school.  
Every three years, the Wellness Committee conducts a review of this policy, how successfully it is being implemented across the District, and considers what changes may need to be made to the policy.  This tri-annual assessment is presented to the School Board and then posted here for public access.  (See below.)
Any questions regarding the Wellness Committee should be directed to Committee Chairperson Dr. Melissa Grantz at (724) 352-1700, ext. 5610 or via email at [email protected].  Community Members are welcome to participate.  Please contact Dr. Grantz to become a member.
Wellness Information

Healthy eating and regular physical activity are important aspects of everyday life. The Knoch School District Wellness Committee is committed to ensuring students and families are educated on the benefits of healthy eating habits and being physically active.

The following links provide health and nutrition resources for parents to guide them in providing healthy meals for their children. Additionally, please find information regarding ways to promote healthy behaviors through regular physical activity.

 USDA - For Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers


Kids Health - Healthy Eating https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/habits.html#:~:text=Serve%20lean%20meats%20and%20other,grilling%2C%20roasting%2C%20and%20steaming.

CDC – Promoting Healthy Behaviors


National Library of Medicine – Physical Activity in Children’s Health and Cognition
